NOTICE: The May Golf Tournament has been Canceled

Past AGS


Past AGS Presentations

Date: 10/17/2024 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Trey Cortez
Burnett Oil Co., Inc. in Fort Worth, Texas
Geology of the 6666 Ranch, King County, Texas
Date: 09/19/2024 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Dennis W Browning
Panther City Exploration Company LLC
Petroleum Geology of the Mead S.E. Field, Jones County, Texas
Date: 05/16/2024 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Christopher Smith, PhD
Senior Chemist of Advanced Hydrocarbon Stratigraphy
Characterizing the Effects of Drainage and Field Activities Using Geochemistry: Changes and Signatures in Subsurface Volatile Fluids Entrained in Legacy and Fresh Cuttings
Date: 03/21/2024 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Stonnie Pollock
Exploration Manager of Fasken Oil & Ranch
Water Usage in the Permian Basin
Date: 02/15/2024 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Bo Henk
TCU Adjunct Professor
Date: 11/16/2023 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Don Muth, Sr.
AAPG Certified Petroleum Geologist, MBA
Where is all of this Gas going to go?.....”No” to $4.00 per million Btu gas in 4th Quarter 2023.
Date: 10/19/2023 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Kelly Hattori
Bureau of Economic Geology Stratigrapher with STARR Research Group
Carbonate and mixed carbonate-clastic facies variability across the Upper Strawn Formation on the Eastern Shelf: Core-based observations
Date: 09/14/2023 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Mark Varhaug
Board Member/Secretary of the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists
Review of TBPG Rules and Enforcement - Ethics in Geoscience
Date: 04/20/2023 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Dr. Bob Trentham
Senior Lecturer and Research Associate in the Geoscience Department at UTPB and is past Director of the Center for Energy and Economic Diversification at UTPB.
The Carbon Utilization and Storage Project of the Western USA: A View from the Oil Patch.
Date: 03/23/2023 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Dr. Kim Pamplin
Company: Abilene Christian University, Director of Chemistry-NEXT lab
NEXT Lab: Purpose, Progress, and Plans
Date: 02/16/2023 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: J. R. Rotzien
Company: President of Basin Dynamics and Adjunct Professor at University of Houston
From Offshore to Onshore: Are Mixed Deepwater Systems Part of the Next Oil and Gas Revolution?
Date: 11/17/22 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Joseph Batir, Ph.D.
Company: Geothermal Lead, Petrolern
Wells Under (Hot) Water? Repurposing Options for Geother
Date: 10/17/22 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Hunter Green
Company: Technical Research Analyst at Tech Management Oilfield Services
Geochemistry and Organic Matter Characterization of Wolfcampian – Virgilian Fine Grained Siliciclastics within the Northern Permian Basin: Insights to Depositional Environment and Diagenesis using a Multiproxy Approach
Date: 9/15/22 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Bryan McDowell
Company: Founder, Sabata Energy Consultants
Geologic Data Uniqueness and Dark Data in the Permian Basin
Date: 5/19/22 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Lowell Waite
Company: Lecturer in the Department of Geosciences and Co-Director of the Permian Basin Research Lab at the University of Texas at Dallas
Reefs of the Permo-Penn Caribbean: The Horseshoe Atoll of the Midland Basin
Date: 4/21/22 - Monthly Luncheon
Speaker: Dan Steward
Company: Republic Energy
Mississippian Reef Production Models of the Fort Worth Basin/Ben Arch
Date: 3/17/22
Speaker: Alton Brown
Company: Consulting Geologist in Richardson, Texas
Controls on Strawn and Canyon Carbonate Buildups on The Eastern Shelf: A Regional Perspective
Date: 2/17/22
Speaker: Nic Brissette
Company: AAPG’s Southwest Section Advisory Council to National AAPG
Overlooked, Lost and Forgotten Industry Fundamentals: Application for Mapping Stratigraphic Traps on the Complex Eastern Shelf.
Date: 1/25/22
Speaker: Andy Pepper
Company: This is Petroleum Systems, LLC
2022 SWS AAPG Bill Hailey Continuing Education Short Course- From Moho to Methane Molecule: The Geoscience Drivers Behind the Permian Basins Evolution from Conventional to Unconventional Greatness
Date: 1/20/22
***No Monthly Luncheon Event
Date: 12/16/21
***No Monthly Luncheon Event
Date: 11/18/21
Speaker: Karr Ingham
Company: Texas Alliance of Energy Producers
The Sate of the Texas and US Upstream Oil & Gas Economics
Date: 10/21/21
Speaker: Philip C. Mani
Company: Mani, Little & Wortmann, PLLC
Today's presentation touches on recognizing a meteor event, and recovering, studying and understanding meteorites from such an event. This presentation will focus on recognizing the primary lithologies encountered in meteorites and relating these lithologies to their sources, including to specific asteroids, to the Moon and to Mars.
Date: 9/16/21
Speaker: Fritz Palacios
Company: University of Texas at Austin
An Updated Stratigraphic Framework of the Cisco Group of the Southern Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin
Date: 5/20/21
Speaker: Mr. Lowell Waite
Company: University of Texas at Dallas
Stratigraphic Framework of the Wolfcamp--Spraberry, Midland Basin
Date: 4/15/21
Speaker: Dr. Rebecca L. Dodge
Company: Midwestern State University
Texas as Art 2021
Date: 3/18/21
Speaker: Dr. Joseph I. Satterfield
Company: Angelo State University
First Detailed Geologic Map of San Angelo State Park, Eastern Shelf Permian Basin
Date: 2/18/21
***Meeting canceled because of weather
Date: 2/3/21
Speaker: Dr. Thomas McGilvery
Company: Univ. of Arkansas Geosciences
SWS AAPG Bill Hailey Memorial Continuing Education Short Course—Applied Log Motif to the Interpretation of Clastic Depositional Systems in the Subsurface
Date: 11/19/20
Speaker: Dr. Peter P. Flaig
Company: Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology
Depositional Systems of the Strawn Group in the Fort Worth Basin and Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin
Date: 10/15/20
Speaker: Dr. Thomas E. Ewing
Company: Frontera Exploration Consultants
Late Paleozoic Tectonic Setting of the Eastern Shelf: from Faulted Ouachita Foredeep to Intracratonic Basin Flank
Date: 9/17/20
Speaker: Dr. Richard Denne
Company: TCU Energy Institute
Relationship between East Texas Deltas and Eagle Ford Unconventional Production
Date: 5/21/20
Speaker: Steve Warren
Company: BML, Inc.
Crude Marketing 101
Date: 4/16/20
***Luncheon cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic
Date: 3/19/20
***Luncheon cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic
Date: 2/20/20
Speaker: Colleen Crawford
Company: Jemully Media, LLC
Introduction of New AGS Website
Date: 1/10/20
Dr. Lesli J. Wood
Company: Colorado School of Mines
SWS AAPG Bill Hailey Memorial Continuing Education Short Course—Subaqueous Mass Failures: Processes, Deposits and Implications of their Occurrence in Exploration and Production of Energy Resources
Date: 11/21/19
Speaker: Jim Gibbs
Company: Five States Energy Company, LLC
What’s Next?
Date: 10/17/19
Speaker: Chad Roller
Company: Mid-Con Energy Operating
Calculating Original Oil in Place
Date: 9/19/19
Speaker: Danny Williams
Company: Supreme Source Energy Services
Horizontal Applications for the Eastern Shelf
Date: 5/16/19
Speaker: Jerry Gilbert
Company: Gilbert Exploration and Consulting
Lower Viola/Simpson Dolomite Play, North Texas: Past History and Future Potential
Date: 4/18/19
Speaker: Michael P. Smith
Company: Advanced Hydrocarbon Stratigraphy
Characterizing Vertical Wells, and Landing and Characterizing Laterals: AHS’s Volatile Analysis Service of PDC Cuttings
Date: 3/21/19
Speaker: Dr. Bob Loucks
Company: Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology
Lithofacies and Dual Micropore/Micropore Network in Pennsylvanian (Early Desmoinesian) Caddo Shelf-Buildup Complexes, Stephens County, North-Central Texas
Date: 2/21/19
Speaker: Randy Myers
Company: Rig Testers, Inc.
Drill Stem Testing Lessons Learned and Derivative Regression Analysis
Date: 1/25/19
Speaker: Dr. John C. Lorenz
Company: FractureStudies LLC
Applied Concepts in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Date: 11/15/18
Speaker: Don Christianson & Kent Mustoe
Company: Schlumberger
New Technologies for a Mature Basin
Date: 10/18/18
Speaker: Stephen L. Shaw
Company: Firstview Resources
Presentation: n/a
Date: 9/20/18
Speaker: Dr. Robert F. Lindsay
Company: Lindsay Consulting, LLC
Hybrid Dolomitization: Development of Enhanced Porosity-Permeability- Connectivity, Residual Oil Zones (ROZ’s)-Tilted Oil/Water Contacts, & Cave Development, Permian Basin
Date: 5/17/18
Speaker: Scott Taliaferro Jr.
Company: TDC Engineering, Inc.
Brazil Oil Discovery and Experience
Date: 4/19/18
Speaker: Tucker F. Hentz
Company: Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology
Reservoir-Scale Depositional Facies, Trends, and Controls on Sandstone Distribution of the Lower Atoka Group (“Bend Conglomerate”), Fort Worth Basin, Texas
Date: 2/15/18
Speaker: Jill Nicole Garcia
Company: Texas Tech University
Pennsylvanian-Permian Chronostratigraphy of the Eastern Midland Basin: Implications for basin filling evolution and paleogeography
Date: 1/29/18
Speaker: Henry W. Posamentier
Company: Consultant
SWS AAPG Bill Hailey Memorial Continuing Education Short Course—Seismic Geomorphology and Seismic Stratigraphy – Extracting Geologic Insights from 3D Seismic Data
Date: 11/16/17
Speaker: Michael A. Raines
Company: Whiting Petroleum Corp.
How Small-Scale Core Measurements Compare to Full Scale Core Measurements, and Implications for Characterizing Large Scale Flow Units
Date: 10/19/17
Speaker: Brian Brister
Company: Kinder Morgan, Inc.
CO2 EOR – What the “Geo” Should Know
Date: 9/21/17
Speaker: Don Christensen
Company: Schlumberger
Effects of Carbonate Rock Type on Log Analysis
Date: 4/20/17
Speaker: William A. Ambrose & Tucker F. Hentz
Company: Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology
Stratigraphic Framework and Depositional systems of the Cisco and Canyon Groups, Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin
Date: 2/16/17
Speaker: Michael A. Raines
Company: Whiting Petroleum Corp.
Tertiary Recovery Using CO2
Date: 1/19/17
Speaker: Dr. Joe Satterfield
Company: Angelo State University
Three Key Field Trip Stops in Northern Sierra Del Carmen, Big Bend Region, Texas Potential Aanalogs to Permian Basin Geology
Date: 11/17/16
Speaker: Jeff A. Spencer
Company: Petroleum History Institute
A Photojournalist’s View of the Early Texas Oilfield
Date: 10/14/16
Speaker: Alex Mills
Company: Texas Alliance of Energy Producers
I Am Texas Oil
Date: 9/15/16
Speaker: Don Christensen
Company: Schlumberger
Basics of Log Analysis, with Some Improvements, for 2016
Date: 3/17/16
Speaker: Bill Chandler
Company: Lateral Exploration Labs, LLC
Rethinking Drill Cuttings Formation Logging for 21st Century
Date: 2/18/16
Speaker: Doug LoPachin
Company: Consultant
The O&G Business Today & Tomorrow; Is the past the key to the future; Role of TX RRC; The industry look like in 2020
Date: 1/14/16
Speaker: Travis Lain
Company: Caminar Oil & Gas, LLC
Unconventional Techniques in Conventional Targets
Date: 11/19/15
Speaker: Dan M. Jarvie & Jeff Jones
Company: Worldwide Geochemistry Van Operating, Ltd.
Basin Geochemistry Application for Exploration, and Proposal for: AGS-supported Geochem Library
Date: 10/15/15
Speaker: Ahmed Ouenes
Company: FracGeo
The Science of Fracing: Geomechanics for Geologists
Date: 9/17/15
Speaker: Dr. Trey Hargrove, III
Company: Newark E&P Operating LLC
The Marble Falls Fractured Resource Play: Unconventional Technology Turns an Old Trend into the Next Big Play
Date: 5/21/15
Speaker: Robert W. Baumgardner
Company: Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
Early Permian Basinal Mudrocks in the Southern Midland Basin Foundation for the Wolfberry Play