Up-Coming AGS Events
About the AGS
The Sciences
The Sciences
AGS promotes the sciences of petroleum geology, environmental geology, and related technologies in West Central Texas.
Foster the
Scientific Spirit
Scientific Spirit
AGS provides scientific presentations and short courses, bringing increased awareness and knowledge about advances in our fields.

AGS publishes learned and professional publications about local and regional geology and oil and gas production. These publications are available HERE.
Encourage Professional Cooperation
AGS fosters professional cooperation among geologists and those in related technical areas.
Want to Become an AGS Member?
Abilene Geological Society Memberships include a subscription to the AGS newsletter, information on upcoming events, and opportunities to network both professionally and socially.
Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month, September through November, and February through May. The location is the Abilene Country Club, at 12 Noon. Members and guests are welcome. Reservations are encouraged! Meal prices are $15 with or without a reservation but reservations are encouraged! Local and nationally known speakers are scheduled for each meeting so that our members can always be learning.
Each May the AGS and the Abilene Desk and Derrick Club put on a golf tournament to fund scholarships for area students majoring in earth and environmental sciences. The event includes a pre-tournament meal the evening before, and lunch the day of the tournament. Prizes are awarded!
Bill Hailey Memorial Short Course
Earth Science Week
Southwest Section AAPG Convention
Teacher Education Scholarships
Each May, 2-6 scholarships are awarded to college students majoring in geology and environmental sciences. Applicants must be from the Region 14 area, and must be attending one of the colleges or universities in that area, with the inclusion of Angelo State University and Wayland Baptist University.
AGS welcomes and appreciates its sponsors, who can advertise in its monthly newsletter, sponsor the annual short course, golf course, and the convention. Varied types of sponsorships are available for each event. Sponsorships available for the Website, Monthly Newsletter, Annual Golf Tournament.